Evolution of Rural Culture Landscape and Its Mechanism Analysis in Xiangzhong Hilly Region
He Jinliao,Zong Yueguang,Zhang Lei
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-4616.2007.04.021
Abstract:Under the local natural environment conditions,the evolution of rural landscape was caused by changes of rural economy,society,culture,population etc.In order to study the changes of rural landscape of Xiangzhong hilly region during recently 20 years,typical investigation method was used.By in-depth investigation and research of a natural village in the middle of Hunan province,we find that the evolution of rural landscape in Xiangzhong hilly region can be concluded as following aspects:1)the spatial evolution of rural settlement landscape;2)the infrastructure changes in rural area;3)the changes of house structure and type;4)land use changes etc.For finding out the mechanism of this evolution,this paper tries to analyze it through agricultural production methods,living and entertainment methods,family structure and population,income level and structure,which changed a lot during recently 20 years.Finally,several advices based on culture landscape were given to New Rural Construction.