PAHs Exposure Assessment for Traffic Police Officers During Duty Time in Tianjin, China:
Y Hu,L Zhang,Z Bai,T Zhu,L Zhang,H Zhang,Y You
Abstract:P-599 Abstract: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of environmental pollutants that a large amount of which are from incomplete combustion in motor vehicle engines. In China, traffic police officers work 6 hours for two shifts a day at the road intersections, especially in big cities with high volume of vehicles. Thus they are exposed to a high level of PAHs and might be a high-risk group of lung cancer. A preliminary research was conducted to assess the exposure to particulate PAHs for traffic police officers during their daily work in Tianjin, China. Personal exposure monitors (PEM) were carried by 10 traffic police officers to collect PM10 samples while working at typical road centers, in summer of 2005. Meanwhile, TSP (PM100) samples were collected at the roadsides and on campus as comparison using middle-volume samplers. TSP and PM10 samples were pretreated and 13 PAHs species were quantitatively analyzed by GC/MS. For the samples collected at road centers, the total PAHs concentrations ranged from 344 to 1428 ng/m3 with the average of 867 ng/m3 and mean PM10 concentration was 293μg/m3. The predominant PAHs are indeno [1,2,3-cd]pyrene (IND), phenanthrene(PA), pyrene (Pyr), chrysene (CHR) and fluoranthene (FL). The mean concentration of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) was 26 ng/m3. Total particulate PAHs concentrations of samples collected at the road sides and on campus were much lower, ranging from 7 to 142 ng/m3 and 8 to 37 ng/m3 with the mean values of 46 and 19 ng/m3, respectively, indicating that traffic police officers were exposed to a much higher level of total PAHs than common people in the city. The BaPeq concentration for the traffic police officers was 82.4 ng/m3, and the potential BaPeq dose was 643ng/day during their daily work, for which BaP and IND contributed 32% and 37% respectively. Finally, the lung cancer risk was estimated using the incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) approach. The Crystal Ball software was used to do the Monte Carlo simulation for dealing with the great uncertainty in the risk assessment. On the basis of sensitivity analysis results, further research should be directed to give better characterization of the particulate PAHs concentration variation year-round and the cancer slope factor (CSF) of BaP in order to improve the accuracy of the health risk assessment. Key Words: Exposure, PAHs, traffic police officers, risk assessment.