Maximal Values of Generalized Algebraic Immunity
Keqin Feng,Qunying Liao,Jing Yang
Abstract:The notion of algebraic immunity of Boolean functions has been generalized in several ways to vector-valued functions and/or over arbitrary finite fields and reasonable upper bounds for such generalized algebraic immunities has been proved in Armknecht and Krause (Proceedings of ICALP 2006, LNCS, vol. 4052, pp 180–191, 2006), Ars and Faugere (Algebraic immunity of functions over finite fields, INRIA, No report 5532, 2005) and Batten (Canteaut, Viswanathan (eds.) Progress in Cryptology—INDOCRYPT 2004, LNCS, vol. 3348, pp 84–91, 2004). In this paper we show that the upper bounds can be reached as the maximal values of algebraic immunities for most of generalizations by using properties of Reed–Muller codes.