Luther-Emery liquid and dominant singlet superconductivity in the hole-doped Haldane spin-1 chain
Pontus Laurell,Jacek Herbrych,Gonzalo Alvarez,Elbio Dagotto
Abstract:We investigate the pairing tendencies in the hole-doped Haldane spin-1 chain. To allow for doping, we extend the original spin chain Hamiltonian into a fermionic model involving a two-orbital Hubbard chain at intermediate or strong repulsive interaction strengths $U$, and for degenerate orbitals. At half-filling and large $U$, the ferromagnetic Hund's coupling, $J_\mathrm{H}$, generates effective spin-$1$ moments, with antiferromagnetic correlations between sites. Using large-scale density matrix renormalization group calculations, we study accurately the system's behavior under light hole-doping. For $U=1.6$ in units of the non-interacting bandwidth and for $J_\mathrm{H}/U\gtrsim 0.275$ we find that singlet pairing dominates the long-distance physics, establishing this system as a promising platform for repulsively mediated superconductivity. We provide concrete examples of materials that could realize the physics described here. We also provide evidence that the system approaches a Luther-Emery liquid state at large system sizes, reminiscent of the behavior of doped one-orbital two-leg ladders at weak coupling, which also have superconducting tendencies. The numerically calculated central charge approaches one in the thermodynamic limit, indicating a single gapless mode as is expected for the Luther-Emery state. Exponents characterizing the power-law decays of singlet pair-pair and charge density-density correlations are determined, and found to approximately satisfy the Luther-Emery identity.
Strongly Correlated Electrons,Superconductivity