Acoustic Waves in Bubbly Soft Media
bin liang,ying yuan,xinye zou,jianchun cheng
Abstract:There exists a special class of solid media called soft media (or weakly compressible media), for which the inequality ┣>>┤ is satisfied (┣ and ┤ are the Lamé coefficients) [1-6]. Such media with very small shear stiffness are dynamically similar to liquids to a great extent and exhibit strongly a “water-like” characteristic and, therefore, are also associated with the name of “water-like” media. The class of soft media includes many common media in the fields of scientific research and practical applications (e.g. soft rubbers, tissues, or biomimetic materials), and air bubbles are often introduced due to artificial or non-artificial reasons. In the presence of air bubbles in a soft medium, the bubbles will oscillate violently as an acoustic wave propagates in the bubbly medium. It has been proved that only if the ratio ┣>>┤ is sufficiently large can a bubble in a solid behave like an oscillator with a large quality factor, otherwise oscillation will be damped within a short time comparable to its period [7]. This results in the fact that the acoustical property of a bubbly soft medium is particularly different from that of a usual solid medium containing bubbles. The strong scattering of acoustic waves by bubbles in soft media may lead to some significant physical phenomena stemming from the multiple-scattering effects, such as the localization phenomenon [8-11]. On the other hands, a bubbly soft medium has potential applications to a variety of important situations, such as the fabrication of acoustic absorbent with high efficiency or the clinic application of ultrasonic imaging utilizing the contrast agents [12]. Consequently, it is of academic as well as practical significance to make a comprehensive study on the acoustic waves in a bubbly soft medium. Attempts to theoretically investigate the bubble dynamics in a soft medium go back many decades [1-4]. Meyer et al have performed the early measurements of the resonance frequency of a bubble in rubbers [1]. The dynamical equation for arbitrarily large radial motion has been derived by Erigen and Suhubi in Rayleigh-Plesset form [2]. Ostrovsky has derived a Rayleigh-Plesset-like equation to describe the nonlinear oscillation of an individual bubble in a soft medium [3,4]. On the basis of the linear solution of the bubble dynamic equation of Ostrovsky, Liang and Cheng have theoretically investigated the acoustic propagation in an elastic soft medium containing a finite number of bubbles [8-11]. By rigorously solving the wave field using a multiple-scattering method, they have revealed the ubiquitous existence of the significant phenomenon of acoustic localization in such a class of media, and identified the “phase transition” phenomenon similar with the orderdisorder phase transition in a ferromagnet. For practical samples of bubbly soft media, however, the multiple-scattering method usually fails due to the extremely large number of