Unexpectedly small empirical vector strangeness of nucleons realized in a baryon model
D. Horvatic,D. Klabucar,D. Mekterovic
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.0712.3983
Abstract:Most of model considerations of the hidden nucleon strangeness, as well as some preliminary experimental evidence, led to the expectations of relatively sizeable strange vector form factors of the proton. For example, it seemed that the contribution of the fluctuating strange quark-antiquark pairs accounts for as much as one tenth of the proton's magnetic moment. By the same token, baryon models which failed to produce the "vector strangeness" of the nucleon seemed disfavored. Recently, however, more accurate measurements and more sophisticated data analysis, as well as lattice simulations, revealed that the form factors associated with the vector strangeness of the nucleon are much smaller than thought previously; in fact, due to the experimental uncertainties, the measured strange vector-current proton form factors may be consistent with zero. In the light of that, we re-asses the merit of the baryon models leading to little or no vector strangeness of the nucleon. It is done on the concrete example of the baryon model which essentially amounts to the MIT bag enriched by the diluted instanton liquid.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology