Topology of the space of conormal distributions
Jesús A. Álvarez López,Yuri A. Kordyukov,Eric Leichtnam
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications
Abstract:Given a closed manifold M and a closed regular submanifold L , consider the corresponding locally convex space of conormal distributions, with its natural topology, and the strong dual of the space of conormal densities. It is shown that I is a barreled, ultrabornological, webbed, Montel, acyclic LF-space, and is a complete Montel space, which is a projective limit of bornological barreled spaces. In the case of codimension one, similar properties and additional descriptions are proved for the subspace of conormal distributions supported in L and for its strong dual . We construct a locally convex Hausdoff space J and a continuous linear map such that the sequence as well as the transpose sequence are short exact sequences in the category of continuous linear maps between locally convex spaces. Finally, it is shown that in the space of distributions. In another publication, these results are applied to prove a Lefschetz trace formula for a simple foliated flow on a compact foliated manifold . It describes a Lefschetz distribution defined by the induced action on the reduced cohomologies and of the complexes of leafwise currents that are conormal and dual-conormal at the leaves preserved by .
mathematics, applied