Hematite $α-Fe_{2}O_{3}(0001)$ in top and side view: resolving long-standing controversies about its surface structure
Jesús Redondo,Jan Michalička,Giada Franceschi,Břetislav Šmid,Nishant Kumar,Ondřej Man,Matthias Blatnik,Dominik Wrana,Florian Kraushofer,Benjamin Mallada,Martin Švec,Gareth S. Parkinson,Martin Setvin,Michele Riva,Ulrike Diebold,Jan Čechal
Abstract:Hematite ${\alpha}-Fe_{2}O_{3}(0001)$ is the most-investigated iron oxide model system in photo and electrocatalytic research. The rich chemistry of Fe and O allows for many bulk and surface transformations, but their control is challenging. This has led to controversies regarding the structure of the topmost layers. This comprehensive study combines surface methods (nc-AFM, STM, LEED, and XPS) complemented by structural and chemical analysis of the near-surface bulk (HRTEM and EELS). The results show that a compact 2D layer constitutes the topmost surface of ${\alpha}-Fe_{2}O_{3}(0001)$; it is locally corrugated due to the mismatch with the bulk. Assessing the influence of naturally-occurring impurities shows that these can force the formation of surface phases that are not stable on pure samples. Impurities can also cause the formation of ill-defined inclusions in the subsurface and modify the oxidation phase diagram of hematite. The results provide a significant step forward in determining the hematite surface structure that is crucial for accurately modeling catalytic reactions. Combining surface and cross-sectional imaging provided the full view that is essential for understanding the evolution of the near-surface region of oxide surfaces under oxidative conditions.
Materials Science,Chemical Physics