Current Status and Related Factors of Addiction Behavior of Middle School Students in Huairou District of Beijing City
Li Fu-cheng,SUN Ji-dong,ZHAO Yan-hua,ZHOU Hong-yan,ZHAO Rui-ling,ZHANG Zhong-mei,LI Xiao-fei
Abstract:[Objective]To understand the current status of addiction behavior of middle school students in Huairou District such as smoking,drinking,abusing addiction medicaments and indulging in network. [Methods] The research made use of questionnaires personal filling,using the way of layered holistic random sample method to investigate 1716 students of 7 schools including 2 ordinary junior high schools,1 key junior high school,1 ordinary senior high school,1 key senior high school,1 occupational senior high school and 1 technical school. [Results] 22.5 % had attempted to smoke,18.2% were being smoking,55.4% had attempted to drink,14% had been drunk,0.9% had drugged,6.3% had used sedative hypnotic drugs,5.1% had indulged themselves in network and 22.3% had taken part in amusement activity with gambling. [Conclusion] The phenomena that some students in middle school of Huairou have smoked,drunk,used sedative hypnotic drugs,indulged in network and taken part in amusement activity with gambling can not be ignored. Addiction behavior was related with factors such as academic performance,type of school,psychological factors (loneliness,insomnia and depression) and fatness. Some targeted health educations based on correlative factors character of addiction behavior should be developed,and addictive behaviors which threaten to the health of middle school students should be reduced.