All-optical cascadable universal logic gate with sub-picosecond operation
Anton V. Baranikov,Anton V. Zasedatelev,Darius Urbonas,Fabio Scafirimuto,Ullrich Scherf,Thilo Stöferle,Rainer F. Mahrt,Pavlos G. Lagoudakis
Abstract:Today, almost all information processing is performed using electronic logic circuits operating with up to several gigahertz frequency. All-optical logic, however, that holds the promise to allow up to three orders of magnitude higher speed [1] has not been able to provide a viable alternative because approaches that had been tried were either not scalable, not energy efficient or did not show a significant speed benefit. Whereas essential all-optical transistor functionalities have been already demonstrated across a range of platforms [2-4], using them to implement the complete Boolean logic gate set and in particular negation - switching off an optical signal with another optical signal - poses a major challenge [5]. Here, we realize a universal NOR logic gate by introducing the concept of non-ground-state dynamic exciton-polariton condensation in an organic semiconductor microcavity under non-resonant pulsed excitation. In the presence of either of the input signals inserted at opposite in-plane momenta, non-ground state dynamic condensation supersedes spontaneous ground-state condensation, resulting in a NOR-operator output signal within less than a picosecond. An additional optical transistor, fed by the output of the NOR gate, is then used to regenerate the output signal such that it is usable as input for cascading gates, a prerequisite for scale up. Our results constitute an essential step towards the realization of more complex logic optical circuitry that could boost future information processing applications.