Spatial Ability Tests and Their Applications
Ju Chengting,You Xuqun
Abstract:Individual differences of spatial ability have attracted great attention from researchers in the spatial ability field.Previously, researchers concentrated their efforts on age,gender and strategies used in spatial tasks to explain the individual differences showed in the spatial ability tests. There is a trend of transition from 2D to 3D in the development of spatial ability tests.As atraditional 2D test of spatial ability,the Mental Rotate Test(MRT) has been revised to explore the individual differences.MRT 0-4 and paired MRT are revised first to control the different risks preference between males and females,and second to find out the effect of different time limitation during tests by two methods.The former uses an implicit way,while the latter uses an explicit way.MRT A/D is revised to test whether the horizontal MRT is better than the vertical MRT and whether males will do better than females in vertical MRT.Based on several researches,we have come to the conclusion that gender differences showed in the mental rotation tasks are constant and not largely dependent on the testing formats.Although the different answering requirements may influence the self - esteem or strategies,males always have the advantage when doing mental rotation tasks. With virtual reality technology,many spatial tests,which are specific to different parts of spatial ability,have also been devised for adults.D * star and SODT - R are two newly developed and widely used spatial orientation ability tests in spatial ability research.They were used to probe the strategy preference.The results have showed that people prefer to maintain the same strategy when tasks are changed from 2D to 3D and they will never switch their original strategies until there is an obvious disadvantage in using them.Compared with MRT,VWM and VPT are two 3D virtual spatial tests.They both need participants to combine rotation with orientation to complete the tasks.The results showed that the performance was hampered by age,that is to say,the older the participant is,the lower score he/she will get.This age difference is universal among MRT,VWM and VPT.While the gender difference is much more evident in 2D MRT than in 3D VPT,studies also have indicated that MRT is related to the education level of participant,while 3D tests are related to the familiarity of the human - computer interface. In accordance with the above review,further studies should try to define a complete and explicit theoretical framework both for children and for adults,put more emphasis on behavior study and physiological mechanism,clarify the relationship among all above tests, and focus on the problem of strategies difference among or within individuals.