Becoming an Honorary Civilized Nation: Remaking Japan's Military Image during the Russo‐Japanese War, 1904‐1905
R. Kowner
Abstract:he image of the Japanese military in the eyes of Western public opinion has T changed dramatically since the forced opening of Japan by American Commodore Matthew Perry in 1854. At first, the West ridiculed Japan’s cultural backwardness, perceiving its people in general and soldiers in particular as weak, childish, and feminine. Yet, under the Meiji government, which succeeded the feudal regime of the shogunate in 1868, Japan embarked on a rapid campaign to transform itself into a modern industrial state. Studying abroad and assisted by foreign experts at home, the Japanese emulated Western technology, political institutions, and military science, and within a few decades reorganized their civil administration along Western lines and created a modern, efficient army and navy. Western nations saw clearly the results of Japan’s efforts to modernize during the first Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95, in which Japan easily defeated China. Even earlier, some experts praised the training methods and battle performance of the Japanese artillery and the navy, but the war proved Japan’s advances. Still, although German Kaiser Wilhelm I1 saw in the victory a rising “yellow peril,” most experts believed the war with China to be a mere military promenade and that Japan would never be recognized until it “crossed swords with an European power.”’ Under the Treaty of Shimonoseki that ended the war, Japan gained control of Taiwan and the Liaodong Peninsula in Manchuria, between China and Korea, thus enabling Japan to control the gateway to north China and build a preliminary naval network in the Pacific (see map). Alarmed at Japan’s rapidly expanding influence, Russia, France, and Germany took steps to contain Japanese expansion. Within a week of the treaty’s signing, this so-called “Triple Intervention” forced Japan to cede control of Liaodong Peninsula to China. A year later Russia leased the peninsula and built up the fort at Port Arthur. Thereafter, Russia’s growing involvement in Korea
History,Political Science