Administrative Law Reform of Drug Review Regime in China
Hua-lin SONG
Administrative law review
Abstract:Being as the illustration of administrative license, the drug review is an important prior regulation method. For enhancing the drug review ability, much should be done in many fields including the construction of administrative governance network, the clariifcation of relationship between government organs and technical review institutions, the capacity building strengthen of the drug evaluation center of CFDA, appropriate allocation between central and local powers, and the improvement of expert consultation procedure. Moreover, through the formulation of drug review procedure standard, the construction of priority review procedure, and perfection of communication mechanism, as well as the abidance of drug review time limitation, the administrative procedure can be simpliifed and optimized. In future, the combination of global and local technical guidelines for drug review should be paid more attention in order to make up one suitable for China’s practical requirement. The release of the Declared Data Writing Requirement of Chemicals in CTD Format highlights the trends of global administrative law and drug review internationalization.