Three Conceptions of Justice in Marx: to What Extent the Appropriation of Surplus Value by Capital Accords with Justice

Abstract:The appropriation of surplus value by capital is regarded as the core mechanism of capitalist mode of production.To what extent it accords with justice is a crucial problem to be addressed by historical materialism.It is argued in this article that in Marx there exist three different conceptions of justice:(1) The problem of justice is considered relevant only within existing mode of production.In capitalism,for example,to appropriate surplus value accords with justice only because the law of value is respected.(2) Trans-historical principles of justice,which consists of three principles,i.e.,the principle of property rights based upon personal work,the principle of need,and the principle of freedom and self-realization.(3) Whether a mode of production is of justice depends upon to what extent it serves to develop human productive forces.And it is argued that it is the third conception which might play the role of reconciling the other two conceptions of justice.
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