The chelonian trade in the largest pet market in China: scale, scope and impact on turtle conservation Shi-PingGong ,A lex T. Chow ,J onathan J. Fongand Hai-Tao Shi

Abstract:China is the largest consumer of turtles in the world and international trade has been cited as the greatest threattoAsianturtles.Twomaintypesoftradeinliveturtles occur in China: for food and traditional Chinese medicine, and for pets, including those for release by Buddhists. The food trade involves the largest quantities of turtles. In recent years, however, the international pet turtle trade has in- creaseddramatically.YuehePetMarket inGuangzhou isthe largestpetmarketinChina. selling livechelonians and other animals.Tounderstandthepotentialimpactsofthepettrade on chelonians we conducted seven surveys in Yuehe Pet Market from August 2006 to March 2008. Over 39,000 individual chelonians of 61 species were recorded (19.1% of the global total of 319 species). Fifteen (24.6%) of these speciesarenativetoChinaand46(75.4%)arenativetoother countries.TwoaredesignatedasgradeIIkeystate-protected species in China. Thirty-eight (62.3%) are CITES listed species (four in CITES Appendix I, 26 in CITES II and eight in CITES III). Four are categorized on the IUCN Red List as Critically Endangered, 16 as Endangered and 19 as Vulner- able. Our surveys indicate that increasing demand and the
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