On the Right to petition of right of status
Duan Housheng
Abstract:The Right of status should include four aspects:consortium,parental power,right of kinship, and guardianship.It has been a long history to safeguard right of status in law.Safeguard in civil law concerning right of status,includes three ways that are right to petition endowing to the obligee of sta- tus,litigant right of confirmation and right of action of formation.Right of status is not one kind of typi- cal imperium.As to the external relations,it has some kind character of imperium,while to the internal relations,it has some kind character of relative rights,so the right to petition of the obligee of status shall only be advocated to the obligor of status.Therefore,right to petition of right of status should be divided into two kinds,one is right to petition directed against the obligor of status,and the other is right to petition directed against third person beyond the relation of paternity.