Several Issues on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit

Jacques Derrida,Geoff Bennington,Rachel Bowlby
Abstract:There are several key points in exegesis of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.The first is about how toread it.The so called "Empirical Science of Consciousness" is neither historical genealogy,nor psychology. It is philosophy about the logical structure of consciousness in general,which shares some common pivotal characters with Kant's philosophy of pure reason and Husserl's phenomenology of pure consciousness.Secondly, the difference between the structure of Pbenomenology of Spirit and the structure of "Phenomenology of spirit" in Encyclopaedia of the Pbilosopbical Sciences shows that Hegel holds different proof lines in his early and later thoughts.In Pbenomenology of spirit,the birthplace of his philosophy,Hegel organizes his arguments according to the principle of spirit,while in Encyclopaedia of the Pbilosopbical Sciences,which constitutes his mature philosophical system,the leading principle is logical reason.Thirdly,given that the purpose of Pbenomenology of Spirit is to introduce Science of Logic,it itself truly plays a role as "the first part" and an inner component of Hegel's system,rattier than pedagogy for common readers.Lastly,reading Pbenomenology requires a flexible attitude,namely we could never take all of Hegel's arguments too seriously and rigidly.We should treat Pbenomenology of Spirit skeptically or even from an "intentional self-deception" standpoint,and recognize our reading experience as training of creative thinking and spiritual practice. Thus,to read Phenomenology of spirit is to live a philosophical life.
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