The Analysis of the Recurrence Factors of CO2 Laser Surgery for Tis,T1 and T2 Glottic Cancer
Guanglun Wan,Chong Ge,Jingwu Sun,Hao Chen,Wan Zhao
Abstract:Objective To study the risk factors for recurrence in glottic cancer at Tis,T1 and T2 stage after CO2 laser endoscopic resection.Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis of 180 Tis,T1 and T2 glottic cancer cases treated by CO2 laser surgery.Of the total cases,the Tis stage lesion was found in 22 cases,the T1a in 90,the T1b in 32 and the T2 in 36 cases.Tumor recurrence was set as the time-related endpoint.The recurrence factors were analyzed by univariate and multivariate analysis,including age,gender,T classification,type of cordectomy,tumorgrading,motility of vocal fold and the possible anteior commissure.Results There was a significant statistical difference between the recurrence rate and T classification,and the type of cordectomy(P<0.05).The recurrence rates of Tis,T1a,T1b and T2 were 9.1%,13.3%,18.8% and 38.9%,respectively.In type-Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ and Ⅴ of cordectomy,the recurrence rates were 0,3.57%,15.0%,19.60% and 36.84%.Conclusion The recurrence rate is closely associated with T classification and the type of cordectomy.With the higher T classification and the type of cordectomy,the recurrence rate is dramatically higher.