Immunomodulatory Effect of Propolis on Lymphocytes

CHU Ya-fang,HU Fu-liang
Abstract:This review compiled dat a from home andabroad, focusing on t he effect s of propolis on ant ibodyand lymphokine product ion, as well as lymphoproliferat ionand - different iat ion. In vivo and in vit ro st udies demon-st rat ed t hat propolis st imulat es ant ibody product ion, andadjust s t he different iat ion of lymphocyt e and lymphokineproduct ion. Propolis promot es lymphocyt e proliferat ion inanimals which are immunocompromised, or aft er vaccinat ion,or inoculat ed wit h t umor. However, propolis inhibit ory ef-fect s on lymphoproliferat ion may be correlat ed wit h it sant i- inflammat ory propert y.
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