The Teaching Strategy of Keeping out "True Self" and Implementing "Inaction" in Modern Classroom——From the Perspective of Lacan's Theory of the Mirror
Song-lin TANG,Yang-suan OU
Abstract:Based on the Theory of Mirror,Lacan divided the relations between the selfs and the self and the others into three fields:the field of imagination,the fields of sybol and the field of reality,and thus concluded that the self is a truth rsulted from other's intervention and later alienation and split.Therefore,we found that the problem in modern classroom is that the compulsory behavior of"the other" hindered the road for the subject to look for true self.Then,the students were deprived of the utterance right,the own way of life,their time and space,thus they can't creat by themselves.The basic tasks of modern classroom reform is to get rid of the action and its fundamental structure,to implement the"inaction" teaching strategy,to cultivate free atmosphere for their own life,to return the time and space to the students,to provide the classical knowledge environment in which students can make their own study choice,to keep out discrimination and protect students' motive of creation,to insist on the equal dialogue principle so that student can make their own utterance.