Hotspot Evolution and Trends Detection of International E-Learning Research
Gan Li,Qinjian Yuan,Xiaoyun Shu,Taona Chen
Abstract:E-Learning has received extensive attention from commercial organizations and academic institutions since the beginning. Using co-word analysis, clustering analysis, social network analysis and network community analysis, this paper deeply analyzed the E-Learning research literature from the Web of Science database. The results show that the international E-Learning research progress can be divided into three stages: In 1968-1993, when E-Learning research emerged and the research literature was little, with most research using qualitative methods such as the case study, it was the elementary stage focusing on the study of concepts;in 1994-2003, the research literature became much more, with the quantitative methods as its common research methods, and the steady research subject areas formed with the subjects differentiation and integration;in 2004-2013, the research themes kept on refining, and the research became deepened. In general, research on the international E-Learning developed from"technology-oriented" to "behavior-oriented" and then to "technology & behavior oriented ", from self-guided learning research highlighting "learners" or "teachers" separately to collaboratively interactive learning research emphasizing both the"teachers"and"learners", and cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary study is the future research direction of international E-Learning in the era of globalization. In addition, scholars emphasized the mediation variables and regulating role during the research model designing. Finally, researches on the hybrid net learning environment, the personalized and intelligent E-Learning system, and the learning efficiency based on the psychological cognition are the potential hotspots of the future E-Learning research.