Clinical Practice of Laboratory Test Diagnoses in the Pulmonary Fungal Diseases

Abstract:In the last few years,the morbidity of pulmonary fungal infection is keeping increasing.However,misdiagnosis is very common in clinical practice since it has no specific clinical characteristics.Subsequently,delayed treatment happened.Laboratory test is the key method to diagnose pulmonary fungal infection.In fact,only pathology and positive cultural results obtained from germfree specimens could make the final diagnosis.Recently,some new methods put into effect such as G-test and GM-test.These methods greatly improve the early diagnosis of invasive fungal infection.Among them,PCR is a very prospective way.Nevertheless,the most basic and common used way is to detect and analysis sputum,blood and the specimen obtained through bronchoscopy.The specimen collecting process need to be standardized and the results need to be evaluated along with the clinical data. Abstract:Summ ary: In the last few years,the morb id ity of pu lmo-nary fungal infection is keep ing increasing.However,m isd iag-nosis is very common in c lin ical practice since it has no spec if-ic c lin ical characteristics.Subsequently,delayed treatm ent hap-pened.Laboratory test is the key m ethod to d iagnose pu lmonary fungal infection.In fact,on ly pathology and positive cu ltural re-su lts obtained from germ free spec im ens cou ld m ake the final d i-agnosis.Recently,som e new m ethods put into effect such as G-test and GM-test.These m ethods greatly improve the early d iag-nosis of invasive fungal infection.Among them,PCR is a very prospective way.Nevertheless,the most basic and common used way is to detect and analysis sputum,b lood and the spec im en obtained through bronchoscopy.The spec im en collecting process need to be standard ized and the resu lts need to be eval-uated along w ith the c lin ical data.
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