Research on Automotive Chassis Tuning by Simulation Analysis Method
SUN Fu-lu,JIANG Jun-ping,MENG Xiang,LIU Wei,PAN Zhi-jie,ZHAO Fu-quan
Abstract:Chassis tuning makes the car optimal in handling and stability, by the way of changing the parameters of the spring, antiroll bar and shock absorber. In the beginning, it needs to scheme the performance of the vehicle, then the specification of the function parts, i.e., to decide the tuned sample finally developed. In this paper, the tuning of the car is taken as an example, the simulation analysis method combining ADAMS/CAR and CARSIM is used. In the analysis of various chassis tuning schemes, the initial tuning scheme for the cars is determined, the theory basis for the tuning is provided. Through the early simulation analysis, it can reduce the proofs of specifications, save preparation development costs, shorten the tuning period.