The research of association rules based on image mining
Liang Lei,Tongqing Wang,Xue Wang,Bo Yang
Journal of Information and Computational Science
Abstract:Image mining is a hot research in database technology, image engineering, and intelligent decision-making, and it is a challenging area about fusing data mining and image understanding. Discovering image association rules is one of the most important tasks in image data mining. However, the number of discovered rules is so large, so the user cannot analyze all discovered rules. At the same time, the populations are troubled into stagnation, resulting in partial convergence. To solve those problems, the paper proposed the interest measure to extract association rules, improved genetic operators, designed a self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm based on Random operator (AGAR) made crossover operator and mutation operator random variable. Lastly, the AGAR algorithm was applied successfully to mine remote sensing images, and those image association rules were distilled by the new methods. The results presented in the paper demonstrate that the new genetic algorithm is a stable, superior algorithm. Copyright © 2010 Binary Information Press.