An Outline of a Theory of Foundations
China Nonprofit Review
Abstract:Foundations are rooted in the public good,created of wealth,and are a way for the wealthy to express their wealth through public good. Foundations are an organized function and systemized arrangement through which society can compel its richest people to donate to the poor while expressing social concern; they provide a legal method for wealth to be redistributed and perpetuated in the name of social wellbeing. The current piece treats the concept,types,and characteristics of foundations,and,in addition to basic definitions,observes the historical development of foundations in the West and in the East,analyzes the peculiar characteristics of Chinese foundations,as well as new development opportunities. Next,the piece offers a systemic analysis of foundations' unique property rights and raises the concept of "commonweal rights". The question of foundations' governance structures is explored in some depth,basic principles for establishment of foundations are analyzed,and both foundation governance innovations and special tax treatment are discussed. Finally,I raise several policy suggestions for strengthening and expanding Chinese foundations. The article provided,based on empirical research about foundations,comprises the writer's general analytic framework and preliminary research conclusions,and invites academic colleagues' responses and advice.