Institutional Background of Health Sectorl Reform and Issue of Division Between Public Hospital Regulation and Management Affaires in China
Antonio M. Merlo,Vincenzo Galasso,Massimiliano Landi,Andrea Mattozzi
Abstract:Chinese historical process of health sector reform have demonstration that the issue of government regulation hospital separate from hospital management come out in end of 1990s,and it is basic convergence to the development of free market economic system and reform of ownership in state-owned enterprise.After the issues of report of Center State Council for Development and Research in 2005,the market orientation reform environment and social system not substance changed,the health sector reform still development according to mind and logical and custom of the economic institutional reform,so that seems the nature thing and right time the issue of government regulation hospital separate from hospital management come out,and the problem become the key issues.It shows that China macro social environment and development model with some problems,and the policy fashionable and policy intimate and policy transformation issues more important.