Dual Ion Species Plasma Expansion from Isotopically Layered Cryogenic Targets
G G Scott,D C Carroll,S Astbury,R J Clarke,C Hernandez-Gomez,M King,A Alejo,I Y Arteaga,R J Dance,A Higginson,S Hook,G Liao,H Liu,S R Mirfayzi,D R Rusby,M P Selwood,C Spindloe,M K Tolley,F Wagner,E Zemaityte,M Borghesi,S Kar,Y Li,M Roth,P McKenna,D Neely
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.204801
Abstract:A dual ion species plasma expansion scheme from a novel target structure is introduced, in which a nanometer-thick layer of pure deuterium exists as a buffer species at the target-vacuum interface of a hydrogen plasma. Modeling shows that by controlling the deuterium layer thickness, a composite H^{+}/D^{+} ion beam can be produced by target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA), with an adjustable ratio of ion densities, as high energy proton acceleration is suppressed by the acceleration of a spectrally peaked deuteron beam. Particle in cell modeling shows that a (4.3±0.7) MeV per nucleon deuteron beam is accelerated, in a directional cone of half angle 9°. Experimentally, this was investigated using state of the art cryogenic targetry and a spectrally peaked deuteron beam of (3.4±0.7) MeV per nucleon was measured in a cone of half angle 7°-9°, while maintaining a significant TNSA proton component.