Analusis on international competitive of chinese mobile telephone exports
Li Wei-lin
Abstract:With the world's standard of living improving continuously,the global mobile phone markets are in grater demand.China's domestic phones constantly meet the demand on the domestic market on the basis of being constantly open up overseas markets.However,the export market is too concentrated,cell phone products to be "foreign" high degree,the lack of independent intellectual property rights.royalties shadows linger,the export price has declined substantially trends in the problem exists,China's exports of Chinese-made mobile phone market share is still relatively small,and international competition is still relatively weak.In this paper on China's domestic mobile phone export status largely on the basis of understanding,through SWOT analysis on China's domestic mobile phone exports competitive advantages and disadvantages facing opportunities and threats carried out a detailed analysis,the impact of China's domestic mobile phone exports SWOT factors.In this paper,the Nokia cell phone with the wave guide used in the empirical analysis,a discussion of foreign brands and Chinese-made mobile phone competition difference was made.Finally,in response to China's domestic mobile phone export process the issue,the author gave some advice such as increased autonomy innovation,strengthen the brand-building and so on.