Pronunciation types and evolutional relations of zhi (知) groups of the dang-jiang(宕江) yangsheng (阳声) rhymes

GAO Xiaohong
Abstract:Based on the analysis of the pronunciation types of characters zhang(张), zhuang (装), zhang (章), zhuang (撞) and shuang (双) in Mandarin dialects, this paper discusses the change of the rhyme catalogue of these characters form the times Qieyun (《切韵》). It finds that the contrasting characteristic "open:closed (合口:开口)" between the characters zhang (张)zhang (章) and zhuang (装)zhuang (撞)shuang (双) is the most popular type in Mandarin dialects, which suggests characters such as zhuang (装)and shuang (双) have changed into closed rhymes in these dialects.
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