Cultural validity: Promoting cultural responsiveness in classroom assessment
David Baidoo-Anu,Liu Lei,Dante Cisterna,Yi Song
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education
Abstract:Drawing on a scoping-review methodology, this study aimed to map extant literature to conceptualize cultural validity in assessment. Three themes emerged from this review: (a) conceptualization of cultural validity, (b) promoting cultural validity in assessment, and (c) challenges to cultural validity in assessment. The review showed that culturally valid assessment ensures that assessment instruments and practices, assessment decision-making processes, and use of assessment scores in instructional and eligibility decisions are culturally responsive. Cultural validity should be considered as a core component of validity issues in the initial assessment-development process. To promote cultural validity in assessment, teachers/assessment developers should (a) develop awareness of cultural diversities, (b) leverage students' everyday-life experiences, (c) allow students' agency in assessment, (d) use collaborative-/participatory-assessment design, and (e) pay critical attention to language use. Standardization, lack of awareness of available research, paucity of resources on culturally responsive assessment practices, and limited professional-development-training opportunities on culturally responsive assessment were found to be the major threats to implementation of culturally responsive assessment practices. This review provides a foundation for better supporting teachers and assessment developers to effectively implement and engage in culturally responsive assessment.