Simulation-based Optimization of Mixed Road Pricing Policies in a Large Real-world Network
Xiqun (Michael) Chen,Zheng Zhu,Lei Zhang
Transportation Research Procedia
Abstract:The joint optimization of various types of road pricing strategies for a large-scale real-world network is challenging. Dynamic network supply models can overcome this shortcoming, and provide more detailed information regarding the system performance. However, the computational burden of simulation is still a big challenge for the optimization. Utilizing a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model, this paper proposes a simulation-based optimization method to solve the mixed road pricing problem, which is characterized by expensive-to-evaluate and non-closed-form multi-objectives. The mixed road pricing problem is formulated to satisfy dynamic user equilibrium conditions. It enables to capture the time-varying network performance via dynamic traffic assignment. The simulation-based optimization method is successfully applied to the joint optimization of a variety of toll facilities in a real-world network of the Montgomery County in Maryland, i.e. an HOT lane, express toll lanes, and a toll road.