Blocking transport resonances via Kondo entanglement in quantum dots
M. Niklas,S. Smirnov,D. Mantelli,M. Marganska,N.-V. Nguyen,W. Wernsdorfer,J.-P. Cleuziou,M. Grifoni
Abstract:Many-body entanglement is at the heart of the Kondo effect, which has its hallmark in quantum dots as a zero-bias conductance peak at low temperatures. It signals the emergence of a conducting singlet state formed by a localized dot degree of freedom and conduction electrons. Carbon nanotubes offer the possibility to study the emergence of the Kondo entanglement by tuning many-body correlations with a gate voltage. Here we quantitatively show an undiscovered side of
Kondo correlations, which counterintuitively tend to block conduction channels: inelastic cotunneling lines in the magnetospectrum of a carbon nanotube strikingly disappear when tuning the gate voltage. Considering the global \SUT\ $\otimes $ \SUT\ symmetry of a carbon nanotube coupled to leads, we find that only resonances involving flips of the Kramers pseudospins, associated to this symmetry, are observed at temperatures and voltages below the corresponding Kondo scale. Our results demonstrate the robust formation of entangled many-body states with no net pseudospin.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics