The Organizational Formalities of Corporations and the Rights to Securities Issuance (finance) : Abandoning the Legal Custom of the Limited Liability Companies'" Structural Transformation and Going Public"

JIANG Da-xing
Abstract:According to the current legal practice in China,the limited liability companies that desire to go public and list or enforce the rights of public offerings,should complete Gai-zhi(structuraltransformation), become joint stock companies and then apply for public offerings in the status of the joint stock companies.Apparently,it is conventional wisdom that the distribution of rights of public offerings is based upon the organizational formalities of enterprises.However,people seldom think about how to distribute the rights of public offering whether in the legal scholarship or Practitioners.In China,most of companies are the limited liability companies.The prevailing legal arrangement of transformation,then issuing and listing,have brought about many problems,such as packaging for listing,disputes hidden,PE corruption,financial costs increasing improperlyand so on.The model of structural transformation and Listing,does not effectively improve the corporate governance.To the contrary,it disturbs the corporate finance unreasonably and is detrimental to fair developmental rights enjoyed by enterprises.Whether from the perspective of capital supply side or from the one of capital demand side,the core factor determining the distribution of rights is not the organizational formalities of corporations,but the proper project,investors deciding which companies can get the capital.No doubt,the popular framework of enterprises'transformation and issuance to a certain extent hides the real information of enterprises and easily causes the financing frauds.Hence,the relevant provisions in the Company Law and Securities Law should be revised and the laws should abandon the legal custom of transformation before listing.The limited liabilities companies,partnership enterprises and all other types of business organizations could have the rights to public offerings directly.After IPO,the enterprises directly change or transform to joint stock companies.The distribution of rights to public offerings which depends upon prospective projects,not good organizational formalities,can produce benefits such as saving the financial cost,increasing the efficiency of corporate finance,realizing the developmental rights of enterprises fairly.
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