Binary and Ordinal Time Series with AR(p) Errors: Bayesian Model Determination for Latent High-Order Markov Process 1

Xun Pang
Abstract:ABSTRACT To directly and adequately correct serial correlation in binary and ordinal response data, this pa- per proposes a probit model with errors following a pth-order autoregressive process, and develops simulation-based methods in the Bayesian context to handle computational challenges of posterior estimation, model comparison, and lag order determination. Compared to the extant methods, such as quasi-ML, GCM, and and simulation-based ML estimators, the current method does not rely on the properties of the big variance-covariance matrix or the shape of the likelihood func- tion. In addtion, the present model eciently handles high-order autocorrelated errors that raise computationally formidable diculties,to the conventional methods. By applying a mixed sampler of the Gibbs and Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, the posterior distributions of the parameters do not depend on initial observations. The auxiliary particle,lter, complemented by the xed-lag smoothing, is extended to approximate Bayes Factors for models with latent high-order Markov processes. Computational methods are tested with empirical data. Energy cooperation policies of the International Energy Agency are analyzed in terms of their eects,on global oil-supply security. The current model with dierent,lag orders, together with other competitive models, is estimated and compared. Keywords: Autoregressive Errors; Auxiliary Particle Filter; Fixed-lag Smoothing; Markov Chain
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