Forthcoming Papers

Lihong Wang,Gaowen Wang,Weijie Mao,Jiti Gao,Degui Li,Zhengyan Lin,Danh V. Nguyen
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
Abstract:Lihong Wang: Change-point detection with rank statistics in long memory time series models Ismihan Bairamov & Serkan Eryilmaz: Joint behaviour of precedences and exceedances in random threshold models Gaowen Wang & Wei-Lin Mao: Unit root testing in the presence of heavy-tailed GARCH errors D.G. Butler, J.A. Eccleston & B.R. Cullis: On an approximate optimality criterion for the design of field experiments under spatial dependence Kasper K. Berthelsen & Jesper Møller: Non-parametric Bayesian inference for inhomogeneous Markov point processes. Hua Liang & Yongsong Qin: Empirical likelihood-based inferences for partially linear models with missing covariates Chris J. Lloyd: Exact P-values for discrete models obtained by estimation and maximisation Housila. P. Singh & Sunil Kumar: A regression approach to the estimation of the finite population mean in the presence of non-response Deyuan Li: On the probability of being maximal Natalia Stepanova & Shu Wang: Asymptotic efficiency of the Blest-type tests for independence M.A. Hidiroglou, J.N.K. Rao & David Haziza: Variance estimation in two-phase sampling Scott D. Foster, Arūnas P. Verbyla & Wayne S. Pitchford: Estimation, prediction and inference for the LASSO random effects model Rob Salmond: Weekday-only polling and partisan support levels: evidence from New Zealand Mariusz Bieniek: A note on characterizations of distributions by regressions of non-adjacent generalized order statistics Alec G. Stephenson: High-dimensional parametric modeling of multivariate extreme events Yan Wang & Joanne Thandrayen: Multiple-record systems estimation using latent class models Paul Kabaila & Jarrod Tuck: Confidence intervals utilizing prior information in the Behrens-Fisher problem Kais Hamza: An exact test for hazard-similarity Jiti Gao, Degui Li & Zhengyan Lin: Robust estimation in parametric time series models under long and short range dependent structures Pu Chen & Chih-Ying Hsiao: Subsampling the Johansen test with stable innovations C.A. McGrory & D.M. Titterington: Variational Bayesian Analysis for Hidden Markov Models Hiep Duc, Bin Jalaludin & Geoff Morgan: Associations between air pollution and daily emergency department visits for cardiovascular diseases in the elderly (65+ years) in Sydney using Bayesian statistical methods Jeremy Penzer, Minjing Wang & Qiwei Yao: Approximating Volatilities by Asymmetric Power GARCH Functions J.C.W. Rayner, O. Thas & B. De Boeck: A generalized Emerson recurrence relation Samuel Müller & Céline Vial: Partially linear model selection by the bootstrap Suzanne Dubnicka: Kernel density estimation with missing data and auxiliary variables Xingzhong Xu, Xiaobo Ding & Shuran Zhao: A new confidence band for continuous distribution functions Paul Kabaila & Khageswor Giri: Upper bounds on the minimum coverage probability of confidence intervals in regression after model selection E.J. Beh & T.B. Farver: An evaluation of non-iterative methods for estimating the linear-by-linear parameter of ordinal log-linear models Danh V. Nguyen & Damla Şentürk: Covariate-adjusted regression for longitudinal data incorporating correlation between repeated measurements Ross Sparks: Two pass CUSUM for identifying age cluster outbreaks
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