Component-Based Software Reliability Process Technologies
ZHANG Ce,CUI Gang,LIU Hong-Wei,MENG Fan-Chao
Chinese Journal of Computers
Abstract:In allusion to the recent study of CBS(Component-Based Software)reliability and the reliaiblity process improvement,a systematic literature review is carried out to survey the development in CBS reliability process in this paper.Mainly concentrating on reliability in software life cycle,the aim of CBS reliability process is to improve the growth process of reliability,relealizing reliability target.First,the main research contents of CBS reliability process are presented,the framework of the problems for study and technologies classification are described and research elements are analyzed.Then on the basis of the different technology route,CBS reliability process are systematically reviewed from its six aspects:reliability modeling,reliability growth model,evaluation,testing resource allocation and optimal release,simulation and reliability technology based on PCM(Palladio Component Model),etc.In the review,the technological achievements are discussed and the typical models identified are parsed and unified.Finally,potential research prospects and some valuable advice are discussed,including non-parametic solving method under imperfect environment,fault-tolerant architecture and the hardware system component,and integrated reliability modeling and analysis.