Diffeomorphisms with Liao-Pesin Set
Wenxiang Sun,Xueting Tian
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.1004.0486
Abstract:In this paper we mainly deal with an invariant (ergodic) hyperbolic measureμ for a diffeomorphism f, assuming that f is just C^1 and for μa.e. x, the sum of Oseledec spaces corresponding to negative Lyapunovexponents (quasi-limit-)dominates the sum of Oseledec spaces corresponding topositive Lyapunov exponents at x. We generalize a certain of results of Pesintheory from C^1+α to the C^1 system (f,μ), including asufficient condition for existence of horseshoe, Livshitz theorem, exponentialgrowth of periodic points, distribution of periodic points, periodic measures,horseshoes, nonuniform specification and lower semi-continuity of entropyfunction etc. In particular, they are applied for C^1 partially hyperbolicsystems whose central bundle displays some non-uniform hyperbolicity, includingsome robust systems. Moreover, for some C^1 partially hyperbolic (notnecessarily volume-preserving) systems, we get some information of Lebesguemeasure on Average-nonuniform hyperbolicityand volume-non-expanding. A constructed machinery is developed for C^1 (not necessarilyC^1+α) diffeomorphisms: new Pesin blocks is established topologically(independent on measures) such that every block has stable manifold theorem andsimultaneously has exponential shadowing. The new construction, different withclassical C^1+α ones, is mainly inspired from Liao'squasi-hyperbolicity and so here we call new blocks by Liao-Pesin blocks andcall the new established C^1 Pesin theory by C^1 Liao-Pesin Theory.Liao-Pesin set not only exists for invariant measures, but also exists forgeneral probability measures, for example, Lebesgue measure (not assuminginvariant) in some partially hyperbolic systems.