Combinatorial p-th Calabi Flows for Total Geodesic Curvatures in hyperbolic background geometry
Guangming Hu,Ziping Lei,Yi Qi,Puchun Zhou
Abstract:In hyperbolic background geometry, we investigate a generalized circle packing (including circles, horocycles and hypercycles) with conical singularities on a surface with boundary, which has a total geodesic curvature on each generalized circle of this circle packing and a discrete Gaussian curvature on the center of each dual circle. The purpose of this paper is to find this type of circle packings with prescribed total geodesic curvatures on generalized circles and discrete Gaussian curvatures on centers of dual circles. To achieve this goal, we firstly establish existence and rigidity on this type of circle packings by the variational principle. Secondly, for $p>1$, we introduce combinatorial $p$-th Calabi flows to find the circle packing with prescribed total geodesic curvatures on generalized circles and discrete Gaussian curvatures on centers of dual circles for the first time.
Differential Geometry,Geometric Topology