Abstract:In the present paper,5 new species of Tetrigoidea are described:Xistra jiulianshanensis sp.nov.,Mazarredia jiangxiensis sp.nov.,Macromotettixoides brachynota sp.nov.,Bolivaritettix unduladorsalis sp.nov.and Bannatettix nigritibiaalis sp.nov.Type specimens are kept in the Institute of Zoology,Shaanxi Normal University and Museum of Hebei University.1 Xistra jiulianshanensis sp.nov.(Figs.1-4)This new species is allied to Xistra angusta Ingrisch,2001,but differs in:1)hind process of pronotum extending over the top of hind femur;2)with a pair of long oblique longitudinal keels between shoulders;3)hind wing reaching the top of hind process;4)in profile,upper margin of pronotum with a protrusion before shoulders;5)upper and lower margins of midfemur straight;6)three pulvilli of first segment of hind tarsi equal in length.Length of body:♂ 8.5 mm,♀ 11 mm.Length of pronotum:♂ 15 mm,♀ 16 mm.Length of hiond femur:♂ 6 mm,♀ 7 mm.Holotype ♂,Jiangxi,Longnan(Jiulianshan)(24°6'N,114°5'E),27 July 2008,collected by SHI Fu-Min and QIU Min.Paratype 1♀,Jiangxi,Longnan(Jiulianshan),23 July 2008,collected by SHI Fu-Min and QIU Min.Etymology.The specific name is derived from the type locality "Jiulianshan",Jiangxi Provinice.2 Mazarredia jiangxiensis sp.nov.(Figs.5-6)This new species resembles Mazarredia torulisinota Zheng et Jiang,2005,but differs in:1)anterior margin of vertex straight,not protruding before anterior margin of eyes;2)in profile,upper margin of pronotum straight;3)midkeel of pronotum completed the whole length;4)lateral keels of prozona parallel;5)width of midfemur larger than the width of elytra;6)disc of pronotum with numerous fine pellets.♂.Length of body 10.0-10.5 mm,length of pronotum 11-12 mm,length of hind femur 6.0-6.2 mm.Holotype ♂,Jiangxi,Longnan(Jiulianshan)(24°6'N,114°5'E),23 July 2008,collected by SHI Fu-Min and QIU Min.Paratype 1♂,same data as holotype.Etymology.The specific name is derived from the type locality Jiangxi Provinice.3 Macromotettixoides brachynota sp.nov.(Figs.7-9)This new species is allied to Macromotettixoides jiuwanshanensis Zheng,2005,but differs in:1)anterior margin of vertex straight,not protruding before anterior margin of eyes;2)in profile,vertex and frontal ridge forming a rounded shape;3)disc of pronotum smooth;4)in profile,upper margin of pronotum slightly arc before shoulders and straight behind;5)humeral angle arc;6)with a pair short longitudinal keels between shoulders;7)hind process of pronotum reaching two third of hind femur;8)hind margin of subgeniital plate of female with three teeth;9)three pulvilli of first segment of hind tarsi equal in length;10)hind tibia dark brown.♀.Length of body 9.0-9.2 mm,length of pronotum 8.4-9.0 mm,length of hind femur 6.5-7.0 mm.Holotype ♀,Jiangxi,Longnan(Jiulianshan)(24°6'N,114°5'E),23 July 2008,collected by SHI Fu-Min and QIU Min.Paratypes 2♀♀,same data as holotype.Etymology.The specific name is derived from the Greece "brachy" and "nota".4 Bolivaritettix unduladorsalis sp.nov.(Figs.10-12)This new species resembles Bolivaritettix tibetanus Zheng,2005 and Bolivaritettix brevipennis Deng,Zheng et Wei,2007.It differs from both in:1)anterior margin of vertex straight;2)midkeel of pronotum interrupted behind shoulders;3)hind process of pronotum reaching knee of hind femur;4)hind margin of subgenital plate of female straight,with a triangular process in the middle.It differs from the former in:1)lateral keels of prozona parallel;2)hind wing reaching the middle of hind femur;3)width of midfemur larger than the width of elytra.It also differs from the latter by the width of frontal ridge equal the width of coax of antenna.♀.Length of body 11.0-11.2 mm,length of pronotum 9.0-9.3 mm,length of hind femur 6.5-7.0 mm.Holotype ♀,Jiangxi,Longnan(Jiulianshan)(24°6'N,114°5'E),22 July 2008,collected by SHI Fu-Min and QIU Min.Paratype 1♀,same data as holotype.Etymology.The specific name is derived from the Latin "undula" and "dorsalia".5 Bannatettix nigritibialis sp.nov.(Figs.13-15)This new species is allied to Bannatettix longqishanensis Zheng,1993,but differs in:1)width of frontal ridge wider than the width of coax of antenna;2)length of middle segment of antenna 6-7 times its width;3)third pulvillus of first segment of hind tarsi longer than first and second;4)length of upper valve of ovipositor 4 times its width;5)lower outer side of hind femur black;6)hind tibia black.Length of body:♂ 9 mm,♀ 11 mm.Length of pronotum:♂ 14 mm,♀ 15 mm.Length of hind femur:♂ 5 mm,♀ 7 mm.Holotype ♀,Jiangxi,Longnan(Jiulianshan)(24°6'N,114°5'E),23 July 2008,collected by SHI Fu-Min and QIU Min.Paratype 1♂,same data as holotype.Etymology.The specific name is derived from the Latin "nigr" and "tibia".
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