Study and application of empirical regression for properties of gases and liquids by combining Excel with AutoCAD and PhotoShop
Ma Fengyun,Lu Hongwei,Meng Yongbiao
Abstract:It shows how to regress empirically the properties of gases and liquids with the forms of table and three kinds of most common line-diagram such as P-T-K diagram and general line-diagrams for viscosities and specific heats of liquids by combining EXCEL with AutoCAD and PhotoShop,and gives some empirical regression expressions about densities,specific heats,thermal conduetivities,va- porizing latent heats,viscosities and equilibrium constants in vapor-liquid phases for water,ammonia,butadiene,benzene,toluene, methane,ethylene and kerosene.The results indicate that this method is very effectual for solving these problems,the regressive values obtained are well agreed with experimental data,and the relative error values are below 5% ,which is well satisfactory to engineering requirement.