Obama Administration and the Prospect of Six-Party Talks
LIANG Yun-xiang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-7411.2009.02.001
Abstract:The U.S.presidential election announced the step down of the Republican Administration and the step up of the Democratic Administration leading by Barack Obama.The elementary policies of Obama Administration mainly focus on economy,Iraq War and anti-terrorism.With reference to its foreign policy,the new Administration will change the unilateralism of Bush Administration to multilateral and bilateral cooperation.As for the Korean Peninsular nuclear issue and Six-party talks,U.S.still has more initiative compared with North Korea and China.Obama will succeed Bush's policy on this issue to talk inside the existing framework.To some extent,he will be even more active to cooperate with America's alliance and also China so as to deal with international and domestic problems.He also hopes that North Korea will give up its nuclear weapons peacefully under the pressure of international society.There is no doubt that the denuclearization of Korean Peninsular and non-proliferation of nuclear weapon are still the essential interests of America so that in principle Obama hasn't promised to abandon the use of force.Additionally,there still exists ideological opposition between America and North Korea as well as China.However,the difference in ideology won't affect the flexibility and pragmatism of Obama Administration's foreign policy.Only when there happened some emergent issue,U.S.is very unlikely to use the force.In a word,the policy of U.S.will help to ease the tension on the nuclear issue and exercise the influence of Six-party talks.It's possible that U.S.will talk with North Korea directly and bilaterally.Nevertheless,they won't give up the mechanism of Six-party talks and they will embed the bilateral talk into the Six-party talks or using this framework as diplomatic home-front.In order to pursue a breakthrough on the nuclear issue,U.S.will put more emphasis on bilateral talk with North Korea.However,with concerns of the U.S.-Sino and U.S.-Russia strategic relationship,considering the U.S.-Japan and U.S.-South Korea relationship,Obama Administration will make use of the Six-party talks in the long run.