Fang Zhao,Xinglong Zhou,Kunlin Wei,Wei Liu
Abstract:The purpose of this study was to examine the normal walking pattern of 21 older adults who had practiced Tai Chi for more than 5 years (TC group) and 20 older adults who often performed other kinds of physical activity (CTRL group). The results of the study indicated that there were significant differences in kinematic parameters of the hip joint angles, and the curve of ground reaction force versus time between the two groups. INTRODUCTION: The frequency of falls and fall-related injuries increases with age. There is Increasing evidence that exercise in the form of Tai Chi (TC) does enhance human body function, the structure/motion regulating system and mental attitude. The aim of this study was to examine whether or not there are differences in gait index measurements between older adults, some who had and some who had not practiced TC in the past 5 years. METHODS: 41 older adults, aged 60.5±4.5 years and with no history of any lower extremity disease, were divided into two groups identified as Tai Chi (TC) group and control (CTRL) group. There were 21 subjects in TC group who were all Tai Chi practitioners with Tai Chi experience for at least 5 years. The 20 subjects in CTRL group often took part in other kinds of physical activities such as jogging and aerobic dance. A schematic of the gait analysis system used in this study is illustrated in Figure 1. Video camera was used to videotape the sagittal plane movements. The record was synchronized with the work of 3-D force plate (60cm x45cm). The whole system was calibrated by videotaping a precisely calibrated proportional scale. All subjects were asked to walk at a self-selected speed (comfortable speed) straight through the force plate over 5m distance that was within the area for videotaping. Videotaping for the project was performed at a frequency of 25 Hz (50 Fields/Second). The videotape records were digitized and analyzed using Engine Video Analysis System. A single step was defined as the period from the point when one heel came in contact with the force plate to when the other heel contacted the ground. Definitions for ankle angle (c), knee angle (b) and hip angle (a) are illustrated in Figure 2. All data from force plate were analyzed automatically by self-made program. The curve of vertical components of the ground reaction force versus time (Fz-T) were generated and analyzed statistically. T test was used to detect the statistical difference in the measured parameters between the two groups.
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