Investigation on the Health Status Self-evaluated and Knowledge to the Avian Influenza of Inhabitants in Haizhu District of Guangzhou City

Abstract:Objective To understand the knowledge and behavior to the avian influenza and health status of inhabitants in Haizhu district of Guangzhou city.Methods Stratified Random Sampling was adopted to interview on the Haizhu district.Results 69.6% inhabitants felt health status very well in self-evaluated investigation;but the inhabitants who had bad hobbies(smoking) obviously felt worse than others.92.2% inhabitants were urgent to know much more information on avian influenza;63.7%inhabitants were afraid to get the avian influenza;46.1 inhabitants knew the cause of avian influenza.The inhabitants who had high educational level got more information about the avian influenza.Nearly half inhabitants believed the information the government announced was true.Most inhabitants who aged 25-44 and had high educational level disbelieved the information the government and the medium announced.90.2%inhabitants agreed that the government should announced the development of the avian influenza in scheduled time.70.5% inhabitants agreed to change habit for their health in prevalence period of the avian influenza.43.1% inhabitantsdisagreed the measurement were enough for control the avian influenza nowadays.46.1% inhabitants had good individual sanitation habit,but they should do much more to safeguard their health.Most inhabitants could take correct measurements to insulate or safeguard in craze of influenza.Inhabitants who were female and old and had high educational level got more information for control breath disease.Conclusion Most inhabitants felt their health status well in self-evaluated investigation.The inhabitants had the unwary level about the avian influenza.The inhabitants were urgent to know much more information on avian influenza.
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