Bacterin Algorithm and Its Application in Vehicle Fault Detection
MENG Qing-hua,ZHOU Xiao-jun,PANG Mao,PAN Xiao-bin,CHEN Ming
Abstract:A new kind of immune algorithm named bacterin algorithm based on immune mechanism was presented.When an unknown antigen invades the system,the memorized features of the antigen is studied,then the artificial antigen is input to the system and activates the system to create the antibodies.When the antigen invades the body again,immune response will appear.The mathematical models of antibody and antigen were given,and the antibody generating mechanism was presented also.A detection system using the bacterin algorithm is a dynamic system which can detects and study at the same time,and can get the signal features of a detected vehicle's condition efficiently.Application of the algorithm in vehicle drive axle fault detection indicated that the exactness amounted to 95%.Engineering application proves that the bacterin algorithm is better and efficient in small sample acquirement,continued learning and data compression.