Kafka and Bureaucracy
hong tao
Abstract:Kafka was a revealer of bureaucratic society which would be the future of human being. His novels,especially The Trial and The Castle,in which the bureaucracy is one of the themes,do not describe the activities of the bureaucratic organization or officialdom generally,but reveal the internal connection between the modern bureaucracy and the modern spirit. By analyzing his novels,this dissertation points out that the "surveillance-record " in the modern natural science is the basic model of the bureaucratic activities,and the officials are one kind of the "socialscientists. "With the help of the power,the bureaucratic writing( investigations,records,instructions,etc.) are regarded as the "origins"or "reality"of the social facts or social phenomenon. The modern bureaucracy,which the writing is the basic model of action,on the one hand,has the close relationship with the world view of the model natural science,on the other hand also has benefited from the Writing Time which started at the second half of the 15 th Century. Kafka was an heir of the spirit of the modern novel from Don Quixote,in which writing is anti-writing. Living in the early of the 20 th Century,Kafka had kept wide awake to the crisis of novel and the other kinds of private writing which would be controlled by the bureaucratic power. His writings,including novels,diary and letters,and actually,his whole life,can be regarded as the response to this crisis. Obviously,this is the fundamental question whether the real human life is possible under the double control of the bureaucratic organization and scientific technology.