On the multiplier conjecture
Qiu Weisheng
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02561547
Abstract:The Multiplier Theorem is a celebrated theorem in the Design theory. The conditionp>λ is crucial to all known proofs of the multiplier theorem. However in all known examples of difference sets μ
. is a multiplier for every primep with (p, v)=1 andp‖n. Thus there is the multiplier conjecture: “The multiplier theorem holds without the assumption thatp>λ”. The general form of the multiplier theorem may be viewed as an attempt to partially resolve the multiplier conjecture,
where the assumption “p>λ” is replaced by “n
1>λ”. Since then Newman (1963), Turyn (1964), and McFarland (1970) attempted to partially resolve the multiplier conjecture
(see [7], [8], [9]). This paper will prove the following result using the representation theory of finite groups and the algebraic
number theory: LetG be an abelian group of orderv,v
0 be the exponent ofG, andD be a (v, k, λ)-difference set inG. Ifn=2n
1, then the general form of the multiplier theorem holds without the assumption thatn
1>λ in any of the following cases:
2 Xn
1 and (v, 7)=1;
2 Xn1, 7〈
v, andt≡1 or 2 or 4 (mod 7).