Study On Implementation Of Corba
Jq Xie,Y Wang,X Zhang,Zh Yang,Gq Gu
Abstract:OMG's CORBA specification has become one of the major standards on Object Oriented distributed processing. "Integrated Framework for CIMS-Oriented Parallel Engineering" is an important project in National 863 Projects, while CORBA 2.0 conformed enterprise framework is the foundation of the whole system. Ill this paper, an scheme of implementation of CORBA 2.0 is proposed.First, the CORBA 2.0 specification is introduced briefly. The components of the architecture (stub, skeleton, ORE, BOA) are described separately.Then, the design scheme of the implementation of CORBA 2.0 is proposed in detail In this scheme, the whole CORBA system is made up of four components, i.e. the ORE, the IDL-C++ compiler, the interface repository and implementation repository and the IIOP.ORE is the key component in the above four parts and it call be divided into three Parts, i.e., ORE daemon, client end class library and server end class library.IDL-C++ compiler is needed in SII situation. It will take standard LDL files as input and produce corresponding C++ stub, skeleton anti head files which confirm to CORBA 2.0 standards. Also its output will be inputted into Interface Repository.Interface Repository and Implementation Repository are queried when ORE runs. They are implemented based on Web technologies and they can not only be used by ORE when the whole system running but their contents call be viewed through Web browsers. That will greatly simplify the management of the repository.IIOP part is divided into two parts: CDR processing and transfer processing. And the transfer processing involves Network Transfer class, Client Bridge class and Server Bridge class.The implementing strategy and technology of the above four component is discussed and in the end of this part the relationship of these components and their subcomponenets is illustrated ill the figure.Finally the author introduces an illustration on how a distributed object system runs on this CORBA system and it is concluded that developing distributed object system base on CORBA has its potential advantages.The CORBA system based on this scheme will be implemented on Solaris 2. 5. 1 and Windows NT 4.0 platforms with C++ as programming language. And the system will be put in use in the project mentioned above and its performance will be assessed at that time.