Measurement of the W Mass in E+e− Collisions at Production Threshold

R Barate,D Buskulic,D Decamp,P Ghez,C Goy,JP Lees,A Lucotte,MN Minard,JY Nief,B Pietrzyk,MP Casado,M Chmeissani,P Comas,JM Crespo,M Delfino,E Fernandez,M FernandezBosman,L Garrido,A Juste,M Martinez,R Miquel,LM Mir,S Orteu,C Padilla,IC Park,A Pascual,JA Perlas,I Riu,F Sanchez,F Teubert,A Colaleo,D Creanza,M dePalma,G Gelao,G Iaselli,G Maggi,M Maggi,N Marinelli,S Nuzzo,A Ranieri,G Raso,F Ruggieri,G Selvaggi,L Silvestris,P Tempesta,A Tricomi,G Zito,X Huang,J Lin,Q Ouyang,T Wang,Y Xie,R Xu,S Xue,J Zhang,L Zhang,W Zhao,D Abbaneo,R Alemany,AO Bazarko,U Becker,P BrightThomas,M Cattaneo,F Cerutti,H Drevermann,RW Forty,M Frank,R Hagelberg,J Harvey,P Janot,B Jost,E Kneringer,J Knobloch,I Lehraus,G Lutters,P Mato,A Minten,L Moneta,A Pacheco,JF Pusztaszeri,F Ranjard,P Rensing,G Rizzo,L Rolandi,D Schlatter,M Schmitt,O Schneider,W Tejessy,IR Tomalin,H Wachsmuth,A Wagner,Z Ajaltouni,A Barres,C Boyer,A Falvard,C Ferdi,P Gay,C Guicheney,P Henrard,J Jousset,B Michel,S Monteil,JC Montret,D Pallin,P Perret,F Podlyski,J Proriol,P Rosnet,JM Rossignol,T Fearnley,JB Hansen,JD Hansen,JR Hansen,PH Hansen,BS Nilsson,B Rensch,A Waananen,G Daskalakis,A Kyriakis,C Markou,E Simopoulou,A Vayaki,A Blondel,JC Brient,F Machefert,A Rouge,M Rumpf,A Valassi,H Videau,E Focardi,G Parrini,K Zachariadou,M Corden,C Georgiopoulos,DE Jaffe,A Antonelli,G Bencivenni,G Bologna,F Bossi,P Campana,G Capon,D Casper,V Chiarella,G Felici,P Laurelli,G Mannocchi,F Murtas,GP Murtas,L Passalacqua,M PepeAltarelli,L Curtis,SJ Dorris,AW Halley,IG Knowles,JG Lynch,V OShea,C Raine,JM Scarr,K Smith,P TeixeiraDias,AS Thompson,E Thomson,F Thomson,RM Turnbull,C Geweniger,G Graefe,P Hanke,G Hansper,V Hepp,EE Kluge,A Putzer,M Schmidt,J Sommer,K Tittel,S Werner,M Wunsch,R Beuselinck,DM Binnie,W Cameron,PJ Dornan,M Girone,S Goodsir,EB Martin,P Morawitz,A Moutoussi,J Nash,JK Sedgbeer,AM Stacey,MD Williams,G Dissertori,VM Ghete,P Girtler,D Kuhn,G Rudolph,AP Betteridge,CK Bowdery,P Colrain,G Crawford,AJ Finch,F Foster,G Hughes,RW Jones,T Sloan,EP Whelan,MI Williams,C Hoffmann,K Jakobs,K Kleinknecht,G Quast,B Renk,E Rohne,HG Sander,P vanGemmeren,C Zeitnitz,JJ Aubert,C Benchouk,A Bonissent,G Bujosa,D Calvet,J Carr,P Coyle,C Diaconu,N Konstantinidis,O Leroy,F Motsch,P Payre,D Rousseau,M Talby,A Sadouki,M Thulasidas,A Tilquin,K Trabelsi,M Aleppo,F Ragusa,R Berlich,W Blum,V Buscher,H Dietl,F Dydak,G Ganis,C Gotzhein,H Kroha,G Lutjens,G Lutz,W Manner,HG Moser,R Richter,A RosadoSchlosser,S Schael,R Settles,H Seywerd,R StDenis,H Stenzel,W Wiedenmann,G Wolf,J Boucrot,O Callot,S Chen,A Cordier,M Davier,L Duflot,JF Grivaz,P Heusse,A Hocker,A Jacholkowska,M Jacquet,DW Kim,F LeDiberder,J Lefrancois,AM Lutz,I Nikolic,MH Schune,S Simion,E Tournefier,JJ Veillet,I Videau,D Zerwas,P Azzurri,G Bagliesi,G Batignani,S Bettarini,C Bozzi,G Calderini,M Carpinelli,MA Ciocci,V Ciulli,R DellOrso,R Fantechi,I Ferrante,A Giassi,A Gregorio,F Ligabue,A Lusiani,PS Marrocchesi,A Messineo,F Palla,G Sanguinetti,A Sciaba,P Spagnolo,J Steinberger,R Tenchini,G Tonelli,C Vannini,A Venturi,PG Verdini,GA Blair,LM Bryant,JT Chambers,Y Gao,MG Green,T Medcalf,P Perrodo,JA Strong,JH vonWimmerspergToeller,DR Botterill,RW Clifft,TR Edgecock,S Haywood,P Maley,PR Norton,JC Thompson,AE Wright,B BlochDevaux,P Colas,B Fabbro,W Kozanecki,E Lancon,MC Lemaire,E Locci,P Perez,J Rander,JF Renardy,A Rosowsky,A Roussarie,JP Schuller,J Schwindling,A Trabelsi,B Vallage,SN Black,JH Dann,HY Kim,AM Litke,MA McNeil,G Taylor,CN Booth,R Boswell,CAJ Brew,S Cartwright,F Combley,MS Kelly,M Lehto,WM Newton,J Reeve,LF Thompson,K Affholderbach,A Bohrer,S Brandt,G Cowan,J Foss,C Grupen,P Saraiva,L Smolik,F Stephan,M Apollonio,L Bosisio,R DellaMarina,G Giannini,B Gobbo,G Musolino,J Putz,J Rothberg,S Wasserbaech,RW Williams,SR Armstrong,E Charles,P Elmer,DPS Ferguson,YS Gao,S Gonzalez,TC Greening,OJ Hayes,H Hu,S Jin,PA McNamara,JM Nachtman,J Nielsen,W Orejudos,YB Pan,Y Saadi,IJ Scott,J Walsh,SL Wu,X Wu,JM Yamartino,G Zobernig
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:In June 1996, the LEP centre-of-mass energy was raised to 161 GeV. Pair production of W bosons in e+e− collisions was observed for the first time by the LEP experiments. An integrated luminosity of 11 pb−1 was recorded in the ALEPH detector, in which WW candidate events were observed. In 6 events both Ws decay leptonically. In 16 events, one W decays leptonically, the other into hadrons. In the channel where both Ws decay into hadrons, a signal was separated from the large background by means of several multi-variate analyses. The W pair cross-section is measured to be σWW = 4.23 ± 0.73 (stat.) ± 0.19 (syst.) pb. From this cross-section, the W mass is derived within the framework of the Standard Model: mW = 80.14 ± 0.34 (stat.) ± 0.09 (syst.) ± 0.03 (LEP energy) GeV/c2
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