Numerical Study of EGR Effects on Reducing the Pressure Rise Rate of HCCI Engine Combustion

Gen Chen,Norimasa Iida,Zuohua Huang
Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China
Abstract:The effects of the inert components of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) gas on reducing the pressure rise rate of homogeneous charge compression ignition engine combustion were investigated numerically by utilizing the CHEMKIN II package and its SENKIN code, as well as Curran’s dimethyl ether reaction scheme. Calculations were conducted under constant volume combustion and engine combustion (one compression and one expansion only, respectively) conditions. Results show that with constant fuel amount and initial temperature and pressure, as EGR ratio increases, combustion timings are retarded and the duration of thermal ignition preparation extends non-linearly; peak values of pressure, pressure rising rate (PRR), and temperature decrease; and peak values of heat release rate in both low temperature heat release (LTHR) and high temperature heat release decrease. Moreover, maximum PRR decreases as CA50 is retarded. With constant fuel amount, mixtures with different EGR ratios can obtain the same CA50 by adjusting the initial temperature. Under the same CA50, as EGR ratio increases, the LTHR timing is advanced and the duration of thermal ignition preparation is extended. Maximum PRR is almost constant with the fixed CA50 despite the change in EGR ratio, indicating that the influence of EGR dilution on chemical reaction rate is offset by other factors. Further investigation on the mechanism of this phenomenon is needed.
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