Behavior of Solut ions for a Class of Nonl inear Difference Equat ions
Abstract:-In this paper, we study the asymptotic behavior of solutions for a class of nonlinear difference equations and give the results about the solutions of the equations convergent to a constant. Our results generalize all conclusions obtained in [1]. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords--Difference equations, Asymptotic behavior. 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N In [2], Bernfeld and Haddock conjectured that each solution of the delay differential equation z ' ( t ) = z l / 3 ( t ) + xx/3( t r) tends to a constant as t --* oo. In [3], Ding studied the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the delay differential equation x' (t) = F ( x ( t ) ) + V(x( t r) ) (1.1) and proved that each solution of (1.1) tends to a constant as long as G(y) =_ F(y) for all y ~ R and F is continuous and increasing on R, which showed that Bernfeld and Haddock's conjecture is true. Later, Chen [4] considered the following more general equation than (1.1): x'(t) = F(t, x(t), x(t r)) (1.2) and proved that each solution of (1.2) tends to a constant when F(t, u, v) = q(t)G(u, v) -{-p(t) for all (t, u, v) E (0, oo) x R x R, which greatly extends the results obtained in [3], where F(t, u, v) E C[(0, c~) x R × R, R], F is decreasing with respect to u; G(u, v) E C[R x R , R], G is decreasing with respect to u and increasing with respect to v and G(u, u) =_ 0 for all u E R, p E LI[0, c~), q E C[[0, c~), (0, M)], M is a finite positive constant. Here, we study the following: for the discrete analogues of (1.2), xn+l x n = F ( n , x n , x n k ) , n = n o + l , n o + 2, . . . and x n X n l = F ( n , xn, Xn-k), n = n o + l , n o + 2 , . . . , This work is supported by NNSF of China (19601016) and NSF of Hunan. (1.3)